Narnia Pet Behavior and Training, Inc.

A Sound Beginning:
Setting the Right Tone for Your Newly Adopted Dog

Presented by: Julie Dorsey-Oskerka, Patricia Rattray & Rebecca Cann

We are proud to present a seminar exclusively for people who work for and volunteer with shelters and rescue groups!

INTRODUCING A NEW PROGRAM developed by the authors of "A SOUND BEGINNING: Setting The Right Tone For Your Newly Adopted Dog," a step-by-step guide which contains 2 CDs of piano music and is designed to help any dog successfully transition into their new home and family.

OUR GOAL is to help you DECREASE the adoption return rates! This book is the quintessential tool that you can pass on to anyone who adopts a dog through your organization. It will help people avoid the common mistakes that are easily preventable and increase the chances of a successful adoption.
Seminar presentation by the authors: Julie Dorsey-Oskerka, Patricia Rattray, and Rebecca Cann.

The Price is Right! ADMISSION = FREE* *open only to shelter workers, foster homes, and rescue groups. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

SPECIAL OFFERS: 1. For each group that has 5 or more representatives attending, that group will be eligible to enter into a drawing for 5 free books.
2. Drawing for all attendees: A gift certificate donated by each facility for a free basic obedience class, which can be used as a fund-raiser for your group in the upcoming year.


The authors of the new book/CD, "A SOUND BEGINNING: Setting The Right Tone For Your Newly Adopted Dog," will be presenting a seminar based on:
1.The Art of Canine Communication: Not every wag means they're glad. Understanding body language and being able to recognize signs of stress. 2.The Safe Place: How to prepare for the dog's arrival and how to help them feel comfortable and safe in their new homes from the day they arrive.
3.How to introduce a newly adopted dog into an already established home from the very first and most important day: Meeting the members of the family.

About "A SOUND BEGINNING": The book contains a 14-day program the authors developed which is designed to increase the chances of a successful adoption. It is not a book on obedience training, per se, but rather a guide for before and after the new dog comes home. It incorporates sound practical advice with some helpful training tips and is unique in that it uses solo piano music as a tool to help the dog become less stressed in transitioning to his new home.

The purpose of the book is to provide answers to the most frequently encountered situations in those first important two weeks of a new adoption, which is when the most amount of support is needed. For more information, please visit our website:

Cost of book/CD for general public is: $19.95

Discount prices for shelters/rescue groups:
1-19 copies - 20% discount - $15.96 each
20-99 copies - 30% discount - $13.97 each
100-499 copies - 40% discount - $11.97 each
500-999 copies - 50% discount - $9.98 each
1000-4,999 copies - 55% discount - $8.98 each

Read what the experts are saying about "A SOUND BEGINNING":

Four Legs in Harmony

Registration Information

Date:March 3, 2013
Time:9:00AM - 12:00PM
Location:Narnia Pet Behavior and Training, Inc.
10143 Clow Creek Road
Plainfield, IL 60585

You may register by phone or e-mail Please include your organizations name and a list of attendees.
Date:March 10, 2013
Time:9:00AM - 12:00PM
Location:Wiggles-n-Wags Dog Training, Inc
216 E. St. Charles Road
Lombard, IL 60148

You can register online at: or call 630-660-6294 with questions / or by using this direct link: Wiggles-n-Wags Registration